Anne Cribbs!

Anne Cribbs is a dedicated public servant passionate about improving the lives of her community. Her experience as a former Palo Alto Recreation Superintendent and current member of the Park and Recreation Commission gives her a deep understanding of local needs and the ability to navigate complex projects to fruition. A seasoned leader and community builder, Anne has made history by co-founding the American Basketball League (ABL), led the San Francisco, Bay Area 2012 Olympic Bid all the while overseeing work like the Rich May Foundation and the California Senior Games Association.

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I have lived here for 50 years
as a business owner, coach, consensus-builder, student, mother, volunteer and community member.

“Anne is committed to serving Palo Alto and has strong abilities to help make needed improvements in our facilities and programs. She has decades of experience in navigating politics at city halls, and corporate board rooms by building partnerships along the way to achieve her goals. Cribbs is a winning candidate who will be an outstanding City Council Member.”

ROGER SMITH, Community Leader, Founder of Friends of Palo Alto Parks

Trained as an Olympic athlete, I know what it takes to stay focused, how to represent a team and to create a lasting legacy.

My philosophy

“Get to the end of the pool as fast as possible, has been the driving force behind my career, propelling me to achieve results efficiently. To ensure Palo Alto progresses swiftly, we must streamline the approval process and eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles."

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